Stay cybersecure and IT compliant

Strengthen your cybersecurity and IT compliance

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Stay cybersecure and IT compliant

University IT departments face increasing demands to maintain the security of their application ecosystems while meeting stringent compliance standards - all with shrinking resources. AppsAnywhere is a robust solution that combines the need for prompt patching of vulnerable applications, with the complexity of managing access across diverse user bases. Hundreds of universities across the world trust us to deliver applications securely and support them in meeting their cybersecurity commitments.

Prevent cyber-attacks through tight software security

AppsAnywhere enables you to prioritize, test, and apply patches across hundreds of applications in one platform. Your students will access vetted software, mitigating the risk of unauthorized software access or security breaches through downloads from unknown websites.

Prevent cyber-attacks through tight software security
Your software access - integrated but separated

Your software access - integrated but separated

Accessing applications through our secure cloud-based portal means your students and staff get the best user experience, without the liabilities of server or local installations.

Isolate any breaches instantly to address vulnerabilities

Our granular access control allows administrators to instantly remove access to specific apps, users, or locations, and swiftly respond to threats across any university-managed and personally owned devices.

Isolate any breaches instantly to address vulnerabilities
Minimize disruptions during cyber incidents

Minimise disruptions during cyber incidents

If your network gets compromised, AppsAnywhere helps you swiftly retract and deploy software on demand, ensuring rapid response and scalability. You can have your faculty and students back online much faster and minimize any disruptions caused by security breaches.

Increase your capacity to prevent and respond to cyber threats

Our Analytics Engine provides insights into when, where, and by whom applications are accessed. This granular visibility enables proactive license compliance monitoring and ensures that vulnerable software is not launched on university devices.

Isolate any breaches instantly to address vulnerabilities
Global Leaders

300+ institutions simplifying software delivery for students and IT alike

Join over 300 institutions and 3 million students proud to use AppsAnywhere to deliver and access software at universities and colleges worldwide.

300 +
3m +

A benefit of AppsAnywhere is that it gives you universal lab space. Any software is available from anywhere. It improves students' experiences here on our campus because it provides consistent access to software in any lab.

Angela Neria
CIO, Pittsburg State University, US

How our customers have reduced VDI costs...

AppsAnywhere Admin Dashboard and AppsAnywhere Portal

Your apps anywhere, anytime, on any device

Register your interest for a demo and see how AppsAnywhere can help your institution. Receive a free consultation of your existing education software strategy and technologies, an overview of AppsAnywhere's main features and how they benefit students, faculty and IT, and get insight into the AppsAnywhere journey and post launch partnership support.