Alternatives to Amazon AppStream 2.0

Amazon WorkSpaces sits somewhere between Windows Virtual Desktop and legacy VDI solutions when it comes to cost, with WVD coming in as the cheapest option and legacy solutions being so expensive that they're not viable as anything other than an exception for many universities.

CALs/VDA licenses

WVD is the only VDI solution capable of truly removing these costs, however, WorkSpaces is able to include them in its costs to keep them to a minimum and prevent them from cropping up after budgets have been calculated. Neither of these licenses affect the cost of AppsAnywhere itself as it is not a VDI solution, rather it can integrate with all leading VDI technology.


Just like WVD Amazon WorkSpaces is a service-based model and so the cost paid is proportional to usage. With measured usage, WorkSpaces' costs can be kept to a minimum. While AppsAnywhere does involve upfront costs on a license-based model, its cost does not go up with usage over time, providing a reliable technology to use in the majority of contexts which can then integrate with VDI technologies, such as WorkSpaces, where necessary.

Potential for cost savings elsewhere

Amazon WorkSpaces is cheaper than traditional VDI due to a number of previously mentioned features. In this sense, it can reduce costs if switching from another, legacy VDI technology. However, VDI is still expensive. AppsAnywhere, through its provisioning tools, context detection, and reporting engine, Analytics can deliver insight into how software is delivered and needs to be delivered, as well as setting automated provisioning logic to ensure students are accessing their software in the most appropriate and cost-effective way possible.

Related reading

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