AppsAnywhere 3.0: Our most feedback-focused release!

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What a year 2022 has been for us at AppsAnywhere. We’ve had a complete refresh with a new company name and logo, updated our long-term strategy to be as customer-centric as possible, and released version 2.12 back in June! However, the year may be coming to a close but we’re not done yet! Introducing our upcoming release, AppsAnywhere 3.0!

This latest release represents a step change in the overall AppsAnywhere experience, bringing together several of the most requested features gathered from customer conversations and feedback sessions.  It is the first release with value delivered against each of our product pillars - User Experience, Delivery Methods, Higher Ed, and Analytics - as well as offering AppsAnywhere Cloud.

Keep reading to learn more about all of the updates in AppsAnywhere 3.0... 

AppsAnywhere desktop homepage

AppsAnywhere 3.0 webinar recording  

Improved UI with Dark Mode  

You’ll recall that we gave AppsAnywhere’s UI a complete makeover back in version 2.12. In this upcoming release, 3.0 will continue that work with a search-driven portal with improved accessibility and architecture. By releasing the new portal in 2.12 we gained invaluable feedback, which we’ve used to further enhance the launch experience! 

We've created new Smart Collections to make it easier for students to find their apps: 

  • New – (Apps that have been recently added to the system)
  • Recent – (the last 6 apps that a student has launched)
  • Desktops – (any Virtual Desktops that are available to the user)

Following feedback on the launch pop-ups in 2.12, we've continued the theme of a cleaner, less obtrusive experience through to our downloadable clients…

AppsAnywhere launch page

Less obtrusive launch confirmation request

"Every time I launch an app I get a launch "confirmation" dialog box with "If your application didn't launch, you can try again here." in it - like it's expected to fail … and you have to click "Ok" before you can search for and launch another application."


In 3.0 there is a much more subtle dialog in the portal to provide clearer info on the application launch and no requirement for the extra click. For those with admin rights, we’ve added the option to jump into editing an application in admin, straight from the portal!

Client 2.0.0 

A new version of both Windows and Mac clients with fewer pop-ups and more convenient scheduling of 3rd party client updates !

Dark Mode

Dark mode request

"Dark Mode would definitely be useful. Then I wouldn't have to use a dark reader anymore. Our users would benefit from that. We have a lot of … students so I'm sure it would be heavily used." 

AppsAnywhere launch page - dark mode

One of the most requested change requests will now be available as the portal UI now has a Dark Mode option! This feature will allow users to manually select it or just allow system preferences to determine the visual theme. The benefits of this feature include reducing eye strain and it also helps improve the battery life of your device!  

AppsAnywhere Cloud  

We’re very proud to announce that we’ll be offering a flexible range of hosting choices via our all-in-one AppsAnywhere Cloud solution! As the Higher Ed Industry continues to evolve, we’re committed to providing the best service we can, and we believe that AppsAnywhere Cloud will make a big difference!

AppsAnywhere Cloud

Delivery Methods & Analytics  

One of our goals for 3.0 was to provide you with more tools for your toolbox for delivering applications!

Amazon AppStream 2.0

The most requested technology for us to integrate with has been Amazon AppStream 2.0.

This new delivery method allows for Launches via an AppStream streaming URL or the Embed streaming method and captures the launch data in Analytics too. 

Delivery Method Page- Amazon AppStream

Amazon AppStream 2.0 integration request

"...where I would love to go is that they have the first website [AppsAnywhere] come up. They can pick their application. If it doesn't work [locally] on their machine, it redirects them into AppStream and then remembers what they tried to launch, so that it can launch it through an AppStream session"

Frame & VMware

Likewise, we've added a Frame delivery method - allowing for launches using Nutanix Frame technology in a new tab with Analytics data. It is now possible to configure an SSO experience between AppsAnywhere and VMware Horizon and we show you how in 3.0!!

Delivery Method Page - Frame and VMware

VMware SSO request

"We really would love a seamless/single sign-on experience for the user."

Azure Virtual Desktop

In 3.0 we've updated the WVD integration to Azure Virtual Desktop and given more control to users with the ability to cancel a launch. The AVD dialog can now differentiate between the native and web client when providing instructions and guidance.) This is just the beginning and we're going to be improving this popular delivery method more in future v3 releases. 


We’ve incorporated lots of feedback around Analytics to create a new vision of how we provide the data.

We want to provide it on the screens where it is most useful for making great decisions. In this release, we're displaying Application usage data right in the admin view and edit screens as well as the number of active users in the main dashboard, regardless of analytics license!

Analytics and Data Insight View

Analytics requests

"Have a page of Analytics data for the application you are viewing as a tab similar to how you can view provisions or categories that app is a part of"

"More pre-created reports. e.g which apps have never been launched."

"The number of … licenses is limiting" 

Canvas & Blackboard  

We've had an integration with Canvas for some time now, however, in 3.0 we've enhanced the view of applications within the Canvas Integration. This brings things on par with our most requested integration, Blackboard Learn, which is available in this release. If you’re using Blackboard Learn as your Learning Management System, you can now bring the AppsAnywhere experience into it:  

  • The ability to configure App Lists to associate them with a course
  • The ability to launch applications directly in Blackboard Learn
App Lists

SAML Attribute Mappings request

“I’d like the ability to remove LDAPs auth completely”


SAML Attribute Mappings  

Many Higher Ed institutions are fond of SAML and coupling this with several requests to allow the use of AppsAnywhere without the need for an LDAP connection, we have created a new option to map SAML attributes.

It adds the ability for AppsAnywhere to take the required user data from the SAML login and then user roles, provisioning, and delivery method restrictions can be set up using the SAML attributes.           

SAML Attribute Mappings

AppsAnywhere 2.12 recap

Refresh your memory of what was new in AppsAnywhere 2.12, including a brand new UI and hardware profiles…

AppsAnywhere 2.12 recap

AppsAnywhere 3.0 Features Brochure


Is there an option to still auto-validate?

Auto validation is still available as an option. We aim to ensure there are as few occasions of attempting to launch but being unable to as possible, and where they occur, explaining why.

Directory path local execution, when does detection occur? During login? During validation?

Detection occurs during validation - the client is given a list of directories to look in and it returns what it finds.

Any CSS options like Dark Mode available for users to customize the look of the portal?

Dark mode wasn't something we were able to do for this version, but it is something that we are looking to include in the future.

Can Download the Client be hidden?

If client download is not available in that instance - such as in labs mode or if client install is suppressed, then the client link will not appear. The client download link will also only appear on platforms which have a client - i.e. Windows and macOS.

When can we get 2.12?

If you would like to upgrade to 2.12 please submit a support request and the team will be touch.

How to implement BYOD in schools

To implement BYOD in a cost-effective and sustainable way, schools will need a clear idea of a number of key data points to understand which technologies are necessary and how many licenses of each technology are required: Number of users/devices Weighting of device type/platform (Windows vs Mac vs Linux) Software titles to deliver Usage data on software titles for licensing User groups requiring specialist software You can read more about implementing BYOD policies in schools in the SecurEdge article, ‘How to successfully implement a BYOD program into your school’ >

How communication is improved in school with BYOD?

With a BYOD policy implemented, schools can begin working to introduce centralized communication points such as Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) or Learning Management Systems (LMSs). Software delivery tools such as AppsAnywhere also provide areas that can be used to communicate with students. Once BYOD is enabled, schools can be more confident that students are actively accessing digital academic resources through specific channels, and that communication propagated through those channels is much more likely to be seen.

Does BYOD save schools money?

Yes, it can do. While BYOD technologies may be expensive, with the correct provisioning and tools implemented, the decrease in hardware investment required from schools by allowing students to bring their own device and insight from reporting data can help schools save money on their software delivery.

Why BYOD is good for schools?

BYOD policies in schools reduce the hardware investment of electronic devices, including mobile devices, needed for schools to offer equal access to digital academic resources to all students. By leveraging student-owned hardware, BYOD policies in schools can increase the resources available to students, such as software, digital media and digital learning environments, at a fraction of the cost of ensuring there are enough organization-owned machines for every student to use. Furthermore, BYOD allows students to access school resources outside of school and outside of teaching hours via their own device.

Why is BYOD important in schools?

BYOD policies in schools help to introduce students to completing work from their own devices in preparation for higher education and employment. In an ever-more-digital world, getting used to using personal devices to complete work can help desensitize students to the potential distractions offered by those devices. BYOD can also help students learn to manage their time effectively in a society where the lines between work time and free time are becoming more and more blurred.

When is AppsAnywhere 3.0 out?

We’re excited to be releasing AppsAnywhere 3.0 in December 2022, in time for January enrolment. Your dedicated Customer Success team will be in touch when it’s available to ensure your institution gets the most out of AppsAnywhere.

How can I get the latest version?

To get the latest version if you are currently using AppsAnywhere, schedule a call with your specialist implementations team and we can help you to start benefiting from AppsAnywhere 2.12 now.

Who can help me deploy VDI?

Most IT professionals get excited when considering new technologies and solutions. Without a doubt, the prospect of a VDI deployment project is likely to get your team’s juices flowing. However, deploying VDI is complex and often includes a host of new infrastructure and unique software management tools. The best advice is to engage with a vendor partner early on so that the design for your campus can be vetted by experts who work with VDI on a daily basis. A vendor partner can also help guide through different architecture scenarios, use cases, and potential pitfalls. All of the knowledge transfer gained will put the IT team in a far better position to successfully deploy and support VDI for your campus.

Which is better: DaaS or VDI?

As is the theme throughout the rest of this article, there isn’t really an objective victor in DaaS vs. VDI. However, when it comes to Higher Ed, we rarely see full DaaS deployments. They’re often saved for more limited use cases, such as temporary BYOD access, or delivering to satellite campuses. For the scale of delivery required by HEIT, VDI will usually come out on top. However, you still need to decide whether to go for legacy VDI, or newer, hosted solutions…

What is the difference between DaaS and fully hosted VDI?

DaaS refers to virtual desktops being provided to organizations as a service-based solution. It will include support for managing, upgrading and maintaining virtual machines. It is a more complete out-of-the-box solution with a price tag to match. Fully-hosted VDI is just like legacy VDI, except you don’t need on-premise server infrastructure, and they are often pay-as-you-go. Fully-hosted solutions are also referred to cloud-hosted solutions and they are the same as VDI, except hosted for you, as the name suggests.

Citrix or VMware?

Both VMware and Citrix have a robust product offering across many different solution suites. Historically, Citrix has excelled in the realm of remote app delivery or app remoting solutions. On the other hand, VMware leads the way with full desktop VDI delivery. Deciding on the right approach is solely dependent on the needs of the institution and what goals they are hoping to achieve with the project.

Why have a BYOD policy?

A formal BYOD policy helps to ensure a high chance of success and adoption as well as communicating practical information to users on how to interact with and use software on their BYO devices.

What is in a BYOD policy?

To put it concisely, a BYOD policy should include any or all of the following: Device type Operating system Available resources Security Usage conditions

What is BYOD policy?

A BYOD policy is a formal definition and agreement between the BYOD provider (universities) and the BYOD users (students). It is similar to an SLA (Service Level Agreement) between service-providers and outlines how users can expect to interact with their university's BYOD program, as well as any limitations, usage conditions, and compatibility information.

Related reading

AppsAnywhere Admin Dashboard and AppsAnywhere Portal

Your apps anywhere, anytime, on any device

Register your interest for a demo and see how AppsAnywhere can help your institution. Receive a free consultation of your existing education software strategy and technologies, an overview of AppsAnywhere's main features and how they benefit students, faculty and IT, and get insight into the AppsAnywhere journey and post launch partnership support.

AppsAnywhere Admin Dashboard and AppsAnywhere Portal

Your apps anywhere, anytime, on any device

Register your interest for a demo and see how AppsAnywhere can help your institution. Receive a free consultation of your existing education software strategy and technologies, an overview of AppsAnywhere's main features and how they benefit students, faculty and IT, and get insight into the AppsAnywhere journey and post launch partnership support.