Sample Business Case for AppsAnywhere
A comprehensive sample business case for AppsAnywhere in Universities and Colleges across the world, covering key benefits and return on investment.
Welcome to AppsAnywhere’s sample business case for an AppsAnywhere platform, specifically written for universities and colleges.
This free e-book download will provide a basis for presenting the challenges of software delivery, AppsAnywhere as a solution to IT management, and communicating the benefits, processes, and outcomes of implementing AppsAnywhere. In your free e-book download you'll learn:
This template discusses all business-related aspects of AppsAnywhere in management's terms, providing the correct weighting of high-level technical detail and more granular commercial detail. By tailoring this template for your organization's challenges and goals, followed by presenting to relevant management as a total business case, you will have a much higher chance of gaining management buy-in and, ultimately, getting the green light on your AppsAnywhere project.
The aim is to enable you to use this as a template for your own internal selection process in choosing AppsAnywhere. The key to success in gaining approval for a key project in business-critical areas is proving its return-on-investment and commercial benefits in order to relate back to management's goals and targets.
The guide is based on our experiences after years of working within the higher education industry.
AppsAnywhere enables universities, colleges and schools to deliver the “any app, any device, anywhere, anytime” vision. By offering a single place for all software to be managed by IT and accesses by students/staff, AppsAnywhere delivers any application to any device on-demand, on or off-campus.
AppsAnywhere has a key integration with a “Gartner Cool” application virtualization technology, called Cloudpaging (developed by Numecent in California), offering greater flexibility to higher education than other application virtualization products on the market (such as App-V and ThinApp).
It has already been implemented and used extensively at some of the world’s largest universities and school systems with significant results – to date more than 2 million users in over 20 countries.
Tip: In general, 5 key benefits or reasons is sufficient depending on your university/college
Based on analysis and feedback from over 200 universities already using AppsAnywhere, Return on Investment (ROI), on average, should be between 6 and 9 months. Return on investment for the project starts from day one and impacts a number of areas both in terms of efficiency for the IT team, but more importantly in improving student life and learning across campus. By implementing AppsAnywhere, your valuable IT team are also freed up to focus on more strategic projects that benefit the entire university.
The main areas we will generate improvements in include;
AppsAnywhere’s AppsAnywhere provides a mechanism for universities and colleges to deliver, manage and virtualize applications (software) to a client (staff or student) machine from a centrally-administered server.
Higher Education customers at AppsAnywhere have reduced the cost of application delivery, while improving service levels, simplifying management, and improving reliability and user experience.
With AppsAnywhere, our end users (staff and students) can access and work on their applications (software) as if they were installed locally. There are no performance issues and no complicated proprietary web interfaces they need to navigate. Once activated, their applications work in the same way as if they were actually installed.
Applications are delivered to end-user machines across the networks on-demand, meaning students can access applications anywhere, whether at home or on the move. However, applications still remain centrally-controlled and licenses can be revoked at any time.
Recently, following Staff Survey results and the increasing importance of ‘Student Experience’ results, it was realised that proactive management of the software estate and proven ways of delivering software to students and staff would contribute positively to both of these.
Description: This will be a high-level summary of what’s being proposed, why it’s important at this time and the anticipated benefits. It’s important to explain why the project is needed by the institution, linking its goals to that of the university/research institute’s strategy.
Checklist for executive summary:
It should be intelligible as a standalone document. Busy people often rely upon the executive summary to inform them, and they don’t always absorb the whole document!
The main benefits of AppsAnywhere include:
Description: This section will detail the expected financial and non-financial benefits of the project. In the Keeping Research Data Safe (Phase 2) final report a benefits taxonomy has been produced that can inform your approach to developing this part of the business case.
Checklist for benefits appraisal:
Include any intangible benefits and illustrate how they improve the effectiveness of research and teaching.
You can propose your internal team(s) who will be working on this project in this section.
The aim of the project is to improve the student experience by enabling easier and faster access to software. Students want software that just works. They want it to work on their device and they want to be able to access it anytime – both on and off campus.
Description: This will include a brief description of the objectives of the project and its scope. That is what is and what is not included. List the key stakeholders together with their relationship to the project.
Checklist for project description section:
Describe how success will be identified and measured
The team agreed that the following requirements are crucial for a modern software management and delivery infrastructure:
The University currently uses Microsoft App-V to deliver applications to users virtually over the University network. Whilst proving to be very useful in the first instance, the shortcomings of the product result in large management overheads and a less than expected student experience. App-V currently delivers approximately 60-70% of University applications to Staff and Students, though the remaining 30-40% of the applications cannot be delivered.
The above limitations result in a large amount of support time being invested into filling in the gaps left by the product. The fact that all applications cannot be delivered using this mechanism result in other technologies and mechanisms being adopted which have proved to be significantly time-consuming and difficult to manage for this purpose.
End-users have also expressed frustrations in not having the freedom to use the applications that they require in different areas of the University and on their own devices. Room bookings and timetabling schedules sometimes result in students not being able to access their desired software at all until rooms become available which could significantly hinder their ability to complete coursework and meet deadlines.
Due to the management overhead and the less than desired student experience which App-V provides it is felt necessary to investigate other products to deliver applications virtually.
Description: Make this case of how the project aligns with the overall strategic plans of the University/Research Institute, and how it may impact the strategic plans for the Department/Unit.
Checklist for strategic alignment:
Use tools such as those provided by AIDA and KRDS to inform your arguments.
A very wide range of alternative systems/software is available, and these are compared extensively in the following matrix:
The team agreed the following requirements are crucial to modern software management and delivery infrastructure:
The main contenders were identified as:
A number of other Universities have already reviewed these products extensively, and the AppsAnywhere system compares well with all the main competitors. The AppsAnywhere system was reviewed in more detail, against the team’s main requirements:
In addition to fully meeting the requirements, it appears the system has the following advantages over other alternative solutions/systems:
There are a variety of products available all offering application streaming solutions, though the University needs to look at a product that is best tailored for the current needs and requirements. Below is a table highlighting the current requirements weighted in terms of essential, desirable and for the future:
In the short term the priority is having a solution which offers all of the University’s Windows applications across campuses to both users and machines. This is so Students are able to use the applications they need where they want and when they want. Tablet/Mobile device is less of a priority as there are only a handful of academic applications which would be usable on a tablet/mobile device, this should however be considered as in future this number may increase with the number of these devices increasing also.
Outside of the technical and business requirements for the product the University also needs to make sure that the product has value for money and is not too expensive. A total cost of ownership has been put together for current application virtualization practices and side effects of the limitations and this will be analyzed when looking at the costs for a new product to work out an expected return of investment.
Suitable products available for comparison are AppsAnywhere, Citrix XenApp, Spoon.Net and VMware ThinApp. These are the only products that look capable of delivering some, if not all of the University requirements. These products are compared to the University requirements in the matrix below:
Description: Demonstrate that you have actively considered a number of options other than the preferred option of your project. These should be described together with why they have been discounted. One of the options should be consideration of doing nothing and its consequences.
Checklist for Options Appraisal:
Based on analysis and feedback from over 100 universities already using AppsAnywhere, our Return on Investment (ROI), on average, should be between 6 and 9 months. Return on investment for the project starts from day one and impacts a number of areas both in terms of efficiency for the IT team, but more importantly in improving student life and learning across campus.
The main areas we will generate improvements include:
X day(s) consultancy services covering:
It’s not anticipated that the systems backend infrastructure requirement would require any additional expenditure.
Description: In the context of the business case proposal, the request for budget usually relates to funds to enable the completion of a full business case, then approval is given to go to the next stage. State if there is internal resource capability and capacity to complete a full business case. If not, state the budget required to complete the business case. Specify the timescales for developing a full business case.
The likelihood is that this section should also provide the best estimate of the overall project costs over the duration if a full business case were to be approved. This at this stage is often presented in a range rather than as a specific cost. The KRDS User Guide (see has detailed advice and tools for activity-based costing and cost-benefit analysis.
Local guidance regarding the presentation of costs should be obtained, e.g. consult local departmental finance officers.
Checklist for Cost Analysis:
• Check if there are local guidelines regarding the presentation of costs. Ask your departmental finance officer if assistance is available.
• What are the anticipated resources required Financial, Human, Equipment?
• Will support be required from Estates & Facilities, Computer Services and other areas? If so have you discussed the proposal in detail with them?
• Will external bodies/suppliers be involved?
Auto validation is still available as an option. We aim to ensure there are as few occasions of attempting to launch but being unable to as possible, and where they occur, explaining why.
Detection occurs during validation - the client is given a list of directories to look in and it returns what it finds.
Dark mode wasn't something we were able to do for this version, but it is something that we are looking to include in the future.
If client download is not available in that instance - such as in labs mode or if client install is suppressed, then the client link will not appear. The client download link will also only appear on platforms which have a client - i.e. Windows and macOS.
If you would like to upgrade to 2.12 please submit a support request and the team will be touch.
To implement BYOD in a cost-effective and sustainable way, schools will need a clear idea of a number of key data points to understand which technologies are necessary and how many licenses of each technology are required: Number of users/devices Weighting of device type/platform (Windows vs Mac vs Linux) Software titles to deliver Usage data on software titles for licensing User groups requiring specialist software You can read more about implementing BYOD policies in schools in the SecurEdge article, ‘How to successfully implement a BYOD program into your school’ >
With a BYOD policy implemented, schools can begin working to introduce centralized communication points such as Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) or Learning Management Systems (LMSs). Software delivery tools such as AppsAnywhere also provide areas that can be used to communicate with students. Once BYOD is enabled, schools can be more confident that students are actively accessing digital academic resources through specific channels, and that communication propagated through those channels is much more likely to be seen.
Yes, it can do. While BYOD technologies may be expensive, with the correct provisioning and tools implemented, the decrease in hardware investment required from schools by allowing students to bring their own device and insight from reporting data can help schools save money on their software delivery.
BYOD policies in schools reduce the hardware investment of electronic devices, including mobile devices, needed for schools to offer equal access to digital academic resources to all students. By leveraging student-owned hardware, BYOD policies in schools can increase the resources available to students, such as software, digital media and digital learning environments, at a fraction of the cost of ensuring there are enough organization-owned machines for every student to use. Furthermore, BYOD allows students to access school resources outside of school and outside of teaching hours via their own device.
BYOD policies in schools help to introduce students to completing work from their own devices in preparation for higher education and employment. In an ever-more-digital world, getting used to using personal devices to complete work can help desensitize students to the potential distractions offered by those devices. BYOD can also help students learn to manage their time effectively in a society where the lines between work time and free time are becoming more and more blurred.
We’re excited to be releasing AppsAnywhere 3.0 in December 2022, in time for January enrolment. Your dedicated Customer Success team will be in touch when it’s available to ensure your institution gets the most out of AppsAnywhere.
To get the latest version if you are currently using AppsAnywhere, schedule a call with your specialist implementations team and we can help you to start benefiting from AppsAnywhere 2.12 now.
Most IT professionals get excited when considering new technologies and solutions. Without a doubt, the prospect of a VDI deployment project is likely to get your team’s juices flowing. However, deploying VDI is complex and often includes a host of new infrastructure and unique software management tools. The best advice is to engage with a vendor partner early on so that the design for your campus can be vetted by experts who work with VDI on a daily basis. A vendor partner can also help guide through different architecture scenarios, use cases, and potential pitfalls. All of the knowledge transfer gained will put the IT team in a far better position to successfully deploy and support VDI for your campus.
As is the theme throughout the rest of this article, there isn’t really an objective victor in DaaS vs. VDI. However, when it comes to Higher Ed, we rarely see full DaaS deployments. They’re often saved for more limited use cases, such as temporary BYOD access, or delivering to satellite campuses. For the scale of delivery required by HEIT, VDI will usually come out on top. However, you still need to decide whether to go for legacy VDI, or newer, hosted solutions…
DaaS refers to virtual desktops being provided to organizations as a service-based solution. It will include support for managing, upgrading and maintaining virtual machines. It is a more complete out-of-the-box solution with a price tag to match. Fully-hosted VDI is just like legacy VDI, except you don’t need on-premise server infrastructure, and they are often pay-as-you-go. Fully-hosted solutions are also referred to cloud-hosted solutions and they are the same as VDI, except hosted for you, as the name suggests.
Both VMware and Citrix have a robust product offering across many different solution suites. Historically, Citrix has excelled in the realm of remote app delivery or app remoting solutions. On the other hand, VMware leads the way with full desktop VDI delivery. Deciding on the right approach is solely dependent on the needs of the institution and what goals they are hoping to achieve with the project.
A formal BYOD policy helps to ensure a high chance of success and adoption as well as communicating practical information to users on how to interact with and use software on their BYO devices.
To put it concisely, a BYOD policy should include any or all of the following: Device type Operating system Available resources Security Usage conditions
A BYOD policy is a formal definition and agreement between the BYOD provider (universities) and the BYOD users (students). It is similar to an SLA (Service Level Agreement) between service-providers and outlines how users can expect to interact with their university's BYOD program, as well as any limitations, usage conditions, and compatibility information.
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AppsAnywhere is a global education technology solution provider that challenges the notion that application access, delivery, and management must be complex and costly. AppsAnywhere is the only platform to reduce the technical barriers associated with hybrid teaching and learning, BYOD, and complex software applications, and deliver a seamless digital end-user experience for students and staff. Used by over 3 million students across 300+ institutions in 22 countries, AppsAnywhere is uniquely designed for education and continues to innovate in partnership with the education community and the evolving needs and expectations of students and faculty.
Register your interest for a demo and see how AppsAnywhere can help your institution. Receive a free consultation of your existing education software strategy and technologies, an overview of AppsAnywhere's main features and how they benefit students, faculty and IT, and get insight into the AppsAnywhere journey and post launch partnership support.
Register your interest for a demo and see how AppsAnywhere can help your institution. Receive a free consultation of your existing education software strategy and technologies, an overview of AppsAnywhere's main features and how they benefit students, faculty and IT, and get insight into the AppsAnywhere journey and post launch partnership support.